Friday, October 2, 2015

How To Grow Black Beauty Zucchini

This year was my first year growing zucchini. I chose a packet of Black Beauty seeds. I liked that they were heirloom, and the dark flesh looked pretty. Within one week of planting the seeds, I had little seedlings. Within another two weeks, I had small plants, and within just over a month, I had my first buds forming. The honeybees went nuts, and were very protective of the pollen, and were always very busy pollinating my blooms and giving me fruit. I have blanched and frozen at least ten of them, given away a few, and eaten at least two a week since they first started coming. 

Growing zucchini has been ridiculously satisfying as they tend to grow rapidly and you can see the growth every single day. I highly recommend these zucchini plants, and hope you'll give them a try! I also recommend buying these seeds. They have produced for everyone I shared them with, and every seed I planted sprouted into a very healthy plant.

Black beauty zucchini grown in a pot //
Black beauty zucchini grown in a pot //


Light: Full sun, 6 to 8 hours minimum
Fruit size: 2 inches by 8 inches
Maturity: 48 days
Plant spacing: 48 inches apart
Soil requirements: Well-drained, nutrient-rich soil.

This variety of zucchini is an heirloom. It matures early and is quite prolific. It has very dark green skin and a creamy colored inside. These quick-growing plants are quite easy to grow and will continue to produce regularly through the summer if the zucchini is regularly picked. Great for use in soups, salads, grilled, sautéed. Also freezes well. Harvest while skin is still tender. For seed saving let it grow large. You can also pick really small for baby zucchini. I've also heard that the blossoms are delicious if stuffed with cream cheese and deep fried, but I haven't tried that yet.

Black beauty zucchini seedling grown in a pot //
Black beauty zucchini grown in a pot //


Zucchini need full sun so plant these in a part of your garden where they'll get at least 6 to 8 hours of sun a day. They get REALLY big, so allow at least 3 feet between plants, if not 4. They get big and bushy and the leaves are large and beautiful. Make sure the soil drains well, as they hate soggy feet. Create raised beds if soil tends to be heavy and poorly draining. Water regularly through the growing season and mulch the soil lightly to aid with reducing water evaporation. Once the vines and leaves bush out, they'll act as a natural mulch by shading the soil. 

Zucchini are squash plants, and squash plants are sensitive to cold. They do not like any frost at all and will be damaged by a light frost (28º F to 32º F). You'll want to protect newly planted seedlings from late spring frost by covering them with straw or a frost blanket. Do not let frost stay on the fruit at the end of summer. It ruins the fruit.


Zucchini plants hate having their roots disturbed, so if at all possible, plant from seed. It is common for transplanted seedlings to be unhealthy plants. Squash bugs, vine borers, and cucumber beetles.  Zucchini can get  blossom end rot, where the end of growing fruits begins to rot. Powdery mildew can appear on leaves during the late summer.

Black beauty zucchini grown in a pot //


Zucchini tastes best if you pick it when the fruits are still kind of small... like 6 to 8 inches in length. Cut the zucchini from the vine, leaving an intact stem attached to the zucchini fruit. Having a stem section (1/2 to 1 inch) helps the zucchini store longer.

Refrigerate summer squash in a loosely closed plastic bag to allow for some air flow around it. Zucchini is best used within 5 days of picking, but will stay useable for 2 weeks, although it might become a little softer. 


Black beauty zucchini grown growing guide image //
1 cup of cooked sliced zucchini has the following nutritional value:

Calories: 36
Carbohydrates: 8g
Dietary fiber: 3g
Sugars: 3g
Protein: 2g
Vitamin C: 16% DV
Vitamin K: 10%
Folate: 9%
Vitamin B6: 8%
Manganese: 14%
Potassium: 9%
Zucchini has a great combination of nutrients including manganese, vitamins C and K, folate, and potassium, and a lot of of these have been linked to the prevention of heart disease. Most of these are found in the zucchini's skin.


2018 Update: I've grown these every year in my garden since, and they never disappoint. Always prolific, and always delicious.

++ What other variety of zucchini do you love to grow? 

Join the conversation!

  1. What size containers did you use for the zucchini? I have an urban garden and would like to use containers for my black beauty zucchini. Thanks!!

    1. I grew another type,in one of those five dollar black masonry mixing tubs from home depot,and the shallow depth seemed to be sufficient.
      There sold in the garden dept,somewhere probably near the garbage pales.
      I'm guessing the width to be 15"×24"and8"s deep.
      Old grand dad,

  2. Great tips! I juice zuchinni when I have too much of it!

  3. I have the same question. Please help.

  4. I would say no less than 10 gallon and soil should be amended with plenty of compost and manure. Squash are heavy feeders and I still feed my plants monthly through the summer. I hope you have good success with this variety, they have been big producers for me when grown in mounds.

  5. I have a black beauty squash that is about 5 inches in diameter and 8 or 9 inches long it is staying light green should I pick it anyway

  6. What size pot should it be since they grow big and out? Also what tips to keep the plants from blossom end rot?


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