Monday, May 16, 2016

What I'm Growing - 2016 Garden Update

Garden season is in full swing now that we've reached mid-spring, and I couldn't be more excited about it!

Every spare minute I get right now, I've been back on my patio plotting, planning, 
rearranging, dreaming, planting, and monitoring growth. Sometimes, I even just sit and watch the plants grow, feel their positive energy, and feel joy at what I've created. 

I've felt a deep connection to the divine powers that exist in this world by learning to grow and cultivate my garden. I feel an involuntary connection to plants that I've never felt before. They healed me during the hardest time in my life, and still do regularly. 

So far, the garden is off to a great start. Here's a rundown of what's growing on the patio this year.


Strawberries - Ozark Beauty, Quinalt
Clematis - Nelly Moser
Fern - Ostrich
Salvia - Purple
Roses - 2 Floribunda, 1 Shrub, 3 Mini 
Mint - Sweet
Japanese Maple - Bloodgood
Chives - Onion 
Thyme - Lemon
Shasta Daisy
Bee Balm
Lemon Balm *NEW*
English Lavender *NEW*
Purple Iris *NEW*

What I'm Growing - 2016 Garden Update // WWW.THEJOYBLOG.NET
Top: Shelling peas with blossoms
Bottom (L to R): Pansies | Flowering chives with pansies | Strawberry blossoms


Lettuce Mesclun
Shelling Peas
Tomato - Celebrity
Peppers - Mucho Nacho Jalapeño, Hot Banana Pepper, Bell Pepper
Melon - Minnesota Midget 
Cucumber - Spacemaster 
Zucchini - Black Beauty
Morning Glory 
Black-Eyed Susan Vine

What I'm Growing - 2016 Garden Update // WWW.THEJOYBLOG.NET
Left: Nelly Moser Clematis
Right (Top to Bottom): Strawberries | Showbiz, Floribunda Rose | Ostrich Fern

Everything is off to a great start, and I'm having such a great time putting it all together. Gardening is a hobby I won't soon put aside.

++ What are you growing this year? 

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  1. This is amazing! I can't wait till I can have a garden of my own. I'm a little nervous at the same time, because I am known to have a black thumb, hehe. I always helped my parents in their garden, but I don't know, something about doing it on my own...never a good outcome. Hehe. Practice makes perfect I suppose?

    1. Yes it does! I have only in the past few years become a gardener, up until then it was just a few houseplants. Through research and trial and error, I have learned a LOT about gardening. I have faith that anyone can learn this.

  2. Gardening is one of my very favorite things. It sounds like your garden is off to a great start. I love the smell of lemon balm. Just watch out because that stuff will take over!! Nasturtiums are one of my favorite annuals. I love the color of the flowers and the leaves add a nice peppery flavor in salads or as a garnish. Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures!

    1. Thanks for the tip on the lemon balm. I have it in a pot, so I hope that contains it nicely. Luckily for me, I can grow spreading plants without having them spread. Having only concrete to grow on does wonders for keeping mint plants contained! I do envy those with yards though. Someday...

  3. You sure are growing a lot! I'm moving next month, so I've let my garden go. But I'm looking forward to starting a new garden in the Summer. Thank you for sharing!

    1. I know! Sometimes I'm amazed that I can fit so much on just 14' square. I guess when it's just two people, growing veggies doesn't take as many plants.


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